Silo - episodes for solo speaking drumming
As the latest solo release Silo draws inspiration from neo-primitivism, a movement that challenges traditional Western musical forms. According to Henry Cowell, "nearly all primitive music" is sung with percussion accompaniment, creating a new polyphony in which each part is independent but must end together. Rapid rhythmic changes, syncopations, polyrhythms, and cross-rhythms are also common features of primitive music, which neo-primitivism embraces to create a wild and raucous style fused with the soft and soothing, ultimately resulting in a ritualistic musical experience
Our first album as Glazik/Noonan was created on the day of our first rehearsal, our first musical meeting and as it later turned out, the day Peter Brotzmann passed away - on the 22nd of June 2023.
We like to believe his energy transcended somehow, into what we knowingly created.